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Product Overview

When properly cared for, your S’well bottles can last for years.

water bottle brush is the perfect accessory to help clean those hard to reach places. With its strong bristles, all you’ll need is a quick rinse and scrub with soapy water and you’ll be good to go. Its removable head can easily be pulled off from the top of the handle making it easy to replace when needed. Best of all, this water bottle scrubber doesn’t just work on our traditional stainless steel bottle, it can also adapt to a number of different sizes and containers as well. 

Whether you’re sipping coffee or ice-cold water, we make it easy to keep your bottle clean and smelling fresh with our water bottle scrubber. Its stylish and modern stand also fits perfectly on countertops or in cabinets, making it the perfect accessory for your kitchen. 

How to Clean Your Stainless Steel Reusable Water Bottle 

To start, fill your stainless steel water bottles with hot, soapy water. From there, use your water bottle cleaning brush to get in all the nooks and crannies of your bottle. When washing, don’t forget to scrub your lids with warm soapy water as well!

If you are switching between coffee, tea, and other beverages, be sure to wash your reusable water bottle in between drinks to avoid residue build-up or funky odors. With the right scrub brush, you’ll be able to keep your stainless steel water bottles and lids in excellent condition.